35 Years Supporting Mothers & Babies: Learn About Our Partnership with Mothers' Milk Bank

Insurance information at a glance.

As a licensed DME (Durable Medical Equipment Provider), Healthy Horizons accepts insurance for both purchasing and renting breast pumps. We accept HSA and FSA for all eligible products and services. 

For lactation consultations and classes, we do not currently accept insurance but can provide a superbill, which is a special bill with specific insurance codes for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

See if you qualify by completing the form below.

Resources for disputing claim denials.

Claim denials are common with insurance companies. You will need to be clear with your insurance company that they are in violation if they cannot offer you an in-network provider within 60 minutes or 30 miles of you. Review these resources from the National Women's Law Center to better understand your coverage and how to dispute your claim denial.  

  • Toolkit - Facts and tools to understand your coverage (download file)

  • Phone Script - Sample for calling your health plan (download file)

  • Insurance Appeal Letter - Sample for lactation consultations and breast pumps (download file)

Verify your corporate coverage.

For Google employees: Your Blue Shield insurance typically covers unlimited lactation consultations for 100% of the cost.

For Facebook employees: Your Aetna insurance should reimburse 6 visits ranging from 70% to 100% of the cost. If billing under lactation consultation does not work, we can bill under breastfeeding class.