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Society of Women Engineers features Cassi Janakos among "Women Engineers You Should Know"

by Healthy Horizons on December 13, 2018

SWE Magazine, the magazine of the Society of Women Engineers, recognized healthy Horizons COO Cassi Janakos among its "Women Engineers You Should Know" with a spotlight on her achievements. Prior to co-founding Healthy Horizons, Cassi was a systems engineer with Lockheed Martin. She was named a SWE Distinguished New Engineer in 2017.

SWE Magazine celebrates the accomplishments of women engineers past and present; explores career development topics; examines broad, cross-disciplinary technical themes; and discusses public policy issues important to women in engineering and STEM.

Cassi is a long-time Society leader and has been active since her student days. She holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley; a B.S. in business management economics from the University of California, Santa Cruz; and an M.S. in management science and engineering from Stanford University.