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Stop Asian Hate - Asian Baby Girl

Many of us at Healthy Horizons have been troubled by the recent rise in anti-Asian expressions of cruelty in our communities.  We have team members who are members of the AAPI community and many of us live and work in San Francisco Bay area and other areas where our friends, neighbors and colleagues are experiencing violence and discrimination.  It's not okay.  

We believe that a community is stronger when everyone thrives together. Let's supports one another in difficulty, defend the oppressed, and bridge our differences with respect and understanding. Sheila Dukas-Janakos, Healthy Horizons CEO and Cassi Janakos, Healthy Horizons COO have joined StartX and other entrepreneurs to stand in solidarity against Asian hate. 

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We know that sitting on the sidelines in times of racial injustice is unacceptable. We are humbled and challenged by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words of wisdom and life of service. We must stand up for what is right and speak out against what is wrong.  Racism is wrong.

Let's Stand Together Against Asian Hate.