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Many companies may think, why should I provide my employees with a hospital-grade pump in the lactation room?


Hospital Grade vs. Personal Pump

Hospital-Grade pumps are heavy-duty breast pumps meant for multiple users while personal double-electric pumps are meant for only one person and are not to be shared due to hygiene issues. They are more powerful and more effective in expressing milk than personal pumps.


Better at Expressing Milk

Hospital grade pumps are most efficient in expressing milk. The suction is typically stronger and mothers often can get more milk out with a hospital grade pump than with a personal double-electric pump. It is easier for a mother expressing milk with a hospital grade pump to get more than one let-down and in less time. Your employees will be able to get their pumping done in a timely manner and feel good that they have can have good pumping session. In addition, mothers that go back to work may encounter supply issues, as stress can affect milk supply, or they baby may have a growth spurt. Milk supply is the most common issue for working mothers. A hospital grade pump is usually recommended for mothers with supply issues so having one in the mother’s room will help mothers trying to build or keep up supply.


Getting In and Out Quicker

New lactating parents can get in and out of the lactation room faster by only having to carry their own kit. By having a station already set up with a hospital grade pump, it only takes seconds for her to simply plug into the pump. When she’s through pumping, that same mother just needs to disconnect from the pump, put away her kit and store her milk. Contrast that to a mother with a double-electric pump who has to find where to put her pump, take out her pump, and then find an outlet for her pump before being able to plug into the pump. After pumping it also takes time for her to pack her pump up before leaving.

No Pack Rats

With a hospital grade pump available at work, mothers only need to bring their kit. This makes it much easier for moms to pack up in the morning and not have to lug around a double-electric pump along with their laptop and work documents. They also don’t have to worry about where to store their pump during work hours or having to lug it to the mother’s room along with their laptop. Mothers will appreciate their company knowing that it saves their backs from having to carry so many items. If your company has multiple office buildings or multiple sites with mother’s rooms, it benefits the mother even more by only needing to bring her kit, instead of lugging her breast pump to different sites. Some companies even provide the to their employees through Healthy Horizons!


Less Likely to Forget

It certainly has happened that a busy parent rushing out of the house might inadvertently leave a breast pump at home while rushing trying to beat traffic to make it to the morning meeting. That means having to take time out of the workday to go back home and get the pump, or risking getting engorged and getting breast issues if there's no ability to pump during the day. However if a mom only needs to bring her kit, she’s less likely to leave it behind if she can pack it in her computer bag. Plus it’s easy for a new parent to have an extra kit in a work desk. So even if she forgets to bring it, there's still the ability to pump.

By investing in a hospital-grade pump, your company and employees will appreciate the numerous benefits and convenience of not having to bring a personal pump to work. They will be more productive and more efficient in their pumping sessions and in the workplace. 

It is easy to incorporate a hospital grade pump into your lactation room and Healthy Horizons has programs available to provide and service breast pumps. Having hospital-grade pumps in your mother’s room will contribute to making a breastfeeding-friendly workplace. Contact Healthy Horizons to rent or buy a pump as part of your corporate plan.