$20,000 in prizes are being given away in our 7th Annual Lactation Room Contest. Nominate your workplace today!

Corporate Social Responsibility at Healthy Horizons

Healthy Horizons takes great pride in supporting the community in reaching it's breastfeeding and diversity goals. During the 2015 fiscal year, Healthy Horizons wrapped up a program where we distributed 1,500 breastpumps at our direct cost to low-income mothers who wanted to breastfeed and pump, but didn't have the resources. We also gave out 300 free breastpumps to the moms who were most in need.

Healthy Horizons employees volunteered over 500 hours to support the local community, volunteer hours all focused on supporting diversity, inclusion and women. Healthy Horizons works hard to support women in the workforce and invites you to join in the effort!

How you and your company can help!

Send used breastpumps to moms in need. Healthy Horizons will sanitize, refurbish, and distribute the breastpump to a mom who otherwise couldn't afford one. Please send closed-system hospital grade breastpumps.

Send breastpumps to:

Attn: Moms in Need Breastpump Program

Healthy Horizons

1432 Burlingame Avenue

Burlingame, CA 94010